poliomyelitis is bad

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

treatment of the poliovirus

         Treatment of polio cannot cure, so the idea is simply to controll the symptoms until the virus has left the body of the sick. Treatment of the polio virus should include but isnt limited to
                * moist heat to sooth muscle pain
                * pain killers
                * physical therapy
                * orthopedic surgery
          Antibiotics are used in polio victims to prevent infections in the weakened muscle. In many cases polio victims require help breathing in this case an iron lung is often used for a few weeks or untill the person can breath normaly again.

polio prevention

          Polio can be prevented via immunization. Poliovirus immunization is over 90% effective making it your best bet for avoiding polio

History of the polio vaccine
          After developing a successful influenza vaccine and being asked by The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Jonas Salk began working on a polio vaccine. In 1955 the salk vaccine was first released after eight years of work.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Geographic locations where polio is found

polio due to widespread vaccination has been widely eradicated, cases in the western hemisphere are almost unheared of.